Transforms from car to robot and back!


"A battle plan is only as good as its programmer."

Spent several thousand years crunching numbers at Cybertron's Institute for Higher Programming before a Decepticon attack reduced it to a pile of smoking microchips. Binary-bonded to Stylor, an egotistical Nebulan more concerned with personal appearance than warfare. In car mode, maximum speed: 478 mph. Range: 630 miles. Hood-mounted infra-red range finder automatically targets roof-mounted dual lasers.

  • Strength: 6
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Speed: 6
  • Endurance: 6
  • Rank: 7
  • Courage: 6
  • Firepower: 7
  • Skill: 9
Transformers Tech Specs

After Hot Rod, the Headmaster Chromedome possibly the best-looking car the Autobots ever added to their lineup (despite being modelled after the more boxy stock car variety). The name comes from the silver hood on his otherwise brown-and-red car body.

I was intrigued to read this tech spec for the first time, since the concept of a Transformer working as a computer programmer would probably be analogous to a human studying genetics. And come to think of it, if I were a researcher whose home base had been bombed after spending most of my life there, I'd probably want to pick up a couple of laser rifles and exact revenge myself.

In the Japanese "Transformers: Headmasters" cartoons, Chromedome plays a much more important role than he did in the American "Rebirth" cartoon, often sharing leadership duties with Fortress (Cerebros, the Headmaster for Fortress Maximus).