In one of Neil Gaiman's short stories in The Sandman, "Men of Good Fortune" (included in The Doll's House) Dream is introduced to a man named Hob Galding back in the late 1400s by his sister, Death. Hob is in a tavern informing his friends that he has decided death to be a mug's game, that people only die because everyone else does it, and that he's not going to play along anymore. Dream approaches him and offers to meet him again, in that very tavern, a hundred years hence. To the laughter of his friends, Hob accepts.

They then proceed to do so, getting together every hundred years in the same building to catch up on things. At one point Dream overhears an inexperienced William Shakespeare having his first play torn apart by Christopher Marlowe, declaring loudly and poetically that he'd make a Faustian bargain himself to have Marlowe's talent for words.

The tavern itself is never named, but no doubt Gaiman had this one squarely in mind.