In music notation, a triplet is indicated by a number '3' drawn above or below three notes joined by a beam, usually with a bracket spanning the three notes. It indicates that the notes indicated are to be evenly subdivided into thirds of a beat rather than halves. If three connected eighth notes are labeled as a triplet, then each one receives one-third of a beat instead of one-half; if three sixteenth notes are so labeled, each receives one-sixth of a beat rather than one-fourth.

A series of triplets on the staff looks something like this (complete with time signature):

---| /------------------------|----------- 3 ----|----
   |/              *          |  |\              |    
  /|     2      * |      *|   |  |  |    | |\    |    
|  |  |  4     |  |   | | |   | *   |    | | |   |    
 \ |  |        |/     | |/    |    *      *  |   |   
   |                     3                                