There are IRC servers, yes, but sometimes that's just not enough to handle what is going on. IRC servers catch a lot of traffic. A lot of traffic. So much that irc servers have banded together into cooperatives, into networks, in which each server on a given network shares everything that happens, transmits the occurances of each channel to each other server, and agrees to the actions of other servers' o:lined opers. Most networks are democratically run a la USENET.

This banding together results in the horrors of netsplits and netbursts and lag and something called sendq when the servers don't keep quite in sync, but allows truly mind-boggling numbers of people from all over the world to communicate without having to consiously be aware different servers exist-- in a way that a single server could never in a million years handle. Besides, most people like their communication lines to be a bit decentralized. Central points of failure are bad, especially given that IRC networks are such heavy targets for denial of service attacks.

A little metanode can be found below. If you see problems with my comments, or i missed someone, or have suggestions as to what kind of extra info should be provided, or you want to fix some of my extra info, msg me and i will add your notes and credit you. Some IRC networks, by the way, have one big central "server" that isn't actually a server-- attempting to connect to it will just randomly redirect you to another server on the network, hopefully an open one. If i am aware of such a server for a network i have listed it below.

The Big Four

  • Efnet - ( l33test of them all. Alternates between hax0rs doing bot wars and the most helpful people you're likely to find anywhere on any network. Often hard to find an open server. 9-char nick limit. Incredibly decentralized and anarchic/democratic. No serv of any kind-- channels controlled by the laws of nature. Oh, you crazy efnetters..)
  • Undernet - ( (See also, the central controllers of x and w.) Calm, almost dignified, usually interesting but usually unhelpful and at times dull. Semifrequent lag/netsplit problems. My home. Unlike the other networks, servers have a heirarchal location-based naming convention they MUST be accessable by-- for example, 9-char nick limit. Chanserv'd using X and W, two massive-scale in-channel bots.)
  • DALNet - (OH D00D!!! DALNET!! A/S/L... has chanserv, and is the largest network i know of with that odd thing they call nickserv. Whopping 30-char nick limit.)
  • the OpenProjects network - ( Not physically "big" but has some channels and people *very* influential in the open-source world. An odd little oasis, mostly empty but containing of a few small gems that each happen to contain 80 or so of the most helpful people you've ever seen. Home to #debian, the only linux channel i've ever seen where it is not painful to get help. Chanserv. 20-char nick limit.)

Everybody else

While your attention is grabbed, you should maybe read IRC, Common IRC Commands and #everything. Or read /map if you want to see an interesting little snapshot of what an irc network looks like.