Alter-egos. Secret-identities. In the era of the internet boom they are no longer restricted to superheroes. You have 'em. I have 'em. Some people have dozens while others stick to one. Some tend toward the 'oooh scary' mystical (DarkAngel, Demonstrike) while others tend toward the nauseatingly cute (GurlyGurl, SurferDude). Often, especially within the confines of an unnamed fascist ISP (which might as well just dump its software by the plane load over our heads) they include a random set of numbers at the end. This way, dozens of people can experience the not so unique joy that is being SatansKitten7531. There are various levels of subscribers to the alter-ego experience. Some completely flesh out a entire virtual personality while on the opposite end there are the users who create an identity consisting of the first letter of their first name, their lastname, and little else. No... must.. suppress... yawn.

That being said, mine is about as uncreative as they come. But maybe it exudes creative potential. It all started in the most uninspired fashion. I bought a hat. Like most products that turn us into walking advertisements, the company logo was splashed proudly across the front. This is where I differ from the average American consumer: I wasn't buying the hat for its brand name, hell, I didn't even know what the company was or what MCD stood for. I just liked the hat, with the lettering and the little spade on the side. I've always had a thing for concise symbols. Well, for some reason, those three letters were bent on bugging the hell out of whoever did read them. 'No! It just doesn't make any sense, they must mean something!' People get worked up over the strangest things. When I answered friend's queries about it with the ineveitable 'I have no clue,' people began to invent their own acronyms. Here's a sample:

Master Congo Dancer
MC Delite
Malodorous Canker Discharge
My Crooked Dick
Mister Crispy Dick
Mild Camel Dementia
Mac Cool Daddy
Measured Cyanide Distribution
Mean Coarse Dwarfs

and so on. Try it yourself with your own handle. It's wacky mad-libs style fun! Especially good on long road trips.

Impressed with those three little letter's lack of a permanent identity and their malleability, I thought, 'damn. what a perfect pseudonym that would be; a name that can evolve with the person it is associated with.' Thus mcd was born. It has been my alter-ego since high school and has spawned its own website,

Oh yeah. The hat stood for More Core Division.