Opel Bastards or Op:l Bastards:

A cool and funky crew from Finland combining the talents of Kaukolampi, Vilunki 3000 and Puranen. Their music is an illdefined jumble of electro (ugh. hate that word), lounge, retro disco, beat and most other things that float across the syntheziser. Their sounds are pierced by the pure joy of playing and profit from a curious background from underground bands such as Larry and the Lefthanded. They are also known to throw some really experimental noise sets at appropriate locations.

If Jimi Tenor had been Jimi Tenor when he was a teenager, this is probably what he would have sounded like.

You can easily recognise the Op:l Bastards playing live: they have a peculiar tendency to play in an akward crouching postition. Heads down, back rolled and beat kicking!

The Bastards have recorded for various labels and enjoy marginal underground success even outside the small circles of the finnish music scene. They are probably best known in Germany at the moment.