Let's make a hypothetical situation. Let's say that you work in the IT field. You spend a lot of time on a computer connected to the Internet reading technical documents. What you would like to be reading is erotica. This is a problem.

Now lets imagine a hypothetical solution to that problem. Let's say you write a program that will get an erotica text file and replace all of the sexual words with technical terms. It could turn every occurrance of 'breast' into 'XML', 'crotch' into 'server', 'suck' into 'validate', and 'penetrate' into, well, I guess that one's ok. The program does this consistently, and you have meanwhile memorized it's dictionary.

Thus, you can read what appears to be some arcane bit of technical writing, and with a little effort and practice translate it in your head into something more adventurous. Over time, your skill at this mental exercise will improve. Eventually, when you read the word 'XML', an image of a breast will come to mind.

The interesting question is: Would you then be able to derive sexual fantasies from real technical documents?

You can easily imagine this completely interfering with your ability to sit through a meeting. Even so, you have not only solved your problem of safely reading erotica at this office, you have dramatically improved your productivity by being turned on by reading real technical writing.