if only this one could be explained by prescription drugs...

The dream resembled a Jim Hensen film. It was the second one I had but I can't really seem to remember what came first...

I was part of this traveling caravan of strange, unheard of creatures and people. We had a large home that we carried with us, and we were on a journey through a huge maze. It was a race, and we were racing against another caravan of strange, unheard of people and creatures, only they were the good ones and we were the bad ones. They were all in white, and we were all in dark earth tones. The just of the story is: We caught the good group and imprisoned them, making them slave for us, cooking and avigating our way through the maze.

All of a sudden, the sky, which until this time had been a constant deep dark gray, opened up to reveal a white-yellow gleaming color (I suppose it was heaven), and the rays of light shone upon the good guys as they slaved away under our command. Suddenly they were exhaulted, and flying above our heads and into the hole in the sky. Music was playing much like the heavenly hosts mentioned in the Bible. They shone bright as the sun as they were pulled into the sky, it was really beautiful.

Once this was done and all the good guys were gone, the jig was up, and my caravan sat on the grass awaiting further instruction. It was as if a movie had ended and the good guys won and then instead of stopping after the conflict was over, the film went on. We sat and waited, rejoicing that our tedious journey was over, when all of a one of the many black discs that were in constand orbit through the air came down and landed, and the commander stepped out. The leader of the caravan (whom coincidently is the Shift Manager at Whole Foods, where I work) stepped forward to receive instruction, and was informed that when the maze had been built, there was no intention of it ever being finished. So, we had been following a never ending maze of pointless creation, and all of our work was for a nothing cause. We all turned back to look at the maze behind us, and I saw through the murky and polluted air that it was a city. An industrial, grease ridden city, and the creatures that had built it knowing that it would only bring misery and leave us with an endless toil that meant nothing, these creatures were people.

Since when do dreams get to make social commentary?