When I first got to Wells College there was a lot of squirming on the part of incoming freshwomen at the realization that they were living on an asteroid populated exclusively by highly intelligent lesbian and bisexual women. About 500 of them. There's really nothing to do around here either except gossip, so the straight girls got really weird about distancing themselves from the obvious lesbians for a while and a friend of mine got hassled and it was really awful.

Then I mentioned this to a couple of upperclass women and they found both that behavior and my outrage amusing, because they'd heard about this before.

"Wait 'till October" they said, "after the panels given by the gay rights group on campus and after they haven't heard a male voice under 30 in so long they can't remember what it's like" (Insert cynical laughter here)

So now the straight girls (freshwomen) across the hall from me are 'in love' with each other, girls who obviously grew up under a rock and didn't know what 'gay' meant until they got here now 'identify themselves as lesbians', and fewer and fewer boyfriends are coming up to visit...hmmm.

The idea that lesbians recruit or that they're all united to undermine society as we know it is a silly silly notion. But...

On the other hand it's always amazing to look at what happens when you get a whole group of girls in one place with nothing to do but give over to random sexual inclinations and morbid self contemplation. The dynamic here is unlike any on the planet, I swear to God.