Bohemond IV, younger son of Bohemond III by his second wife Orguilleuse, became count of Tripoli in 1187, and succeeded his father in the principality of Antioch, to the exclusion of Raymond Rhupen, in 1201. But the dispute lasted for many years (Leo of Armenia continuing to champion the cause of his great-nephew), and long occupied the attention of Innocent III. Bohemond IV enjoyed the support of the Templars (who, like the Knights of St John, had estates in Tripoli) and of the Greek inhabitants of Antioch, to whom he granted their own patriarch in 1207, while Leo appealed (1210-1211) both to Innocent III. and the emperor Otto IV, and was supported by the Hospitallers. In 1216 Leo captured Antioch, and established Raymond Rhupen as its prince; but he lost it again in less than four years, and it was once more in the possession of Bohemond IV when Leo died ill 1220. Raymond Rhupen died in 1221; and after the event Bohemond reigned in Antioch and Tripoli till his death, proving himself a determined enemy of the Hospitallers, and thereby incurring excommunication in 1230. He first joined, and then deserted, the emperor Frederick II, during the crusade of 1228-29; and he was excluded from the operation of the treaty of 1229. When he died in 1233, he had just concluded peace with the Hospitallers, and Gregory IX had released him from the excommunication of 1230.

Being the entry for BOHEMUND IV in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, the text of which lies within the public domain.