Not a real log but a bit of a concept that people might want to mull over.

Above the box I am typing in it tells me "Turn on WYSIWYG editing if you prefer to see roughly how the writeup will look as you enter it, rather than entering HTML tags by hand. Note that you will lose the current contents of this text area." Hey it sounds like a good idea, I even tried it myself once.

It isn't a good idea. It introduces weird formatting into writeups (noticed writeups lately with extra carriage returns between each paragraph, thank tinyMCE), loads the html down with code that we can't even use, and god forbid you even think of pasting in rich text because if you do that then it will really destroy the formatting and specify the font dozens or hundreds of time within the writeup, doing so right in the middle of words, creating a sick monster of a writeup that is almost impossible to edit later.

I am not saying that a WYSIWYG editor on E2 is a bad idea, but tinyMCE creates sick code that gets even sicker if it is pasted in, and last time I checked we weren't really supposed to be typing our nodes directly into the box in the first place.

Why not use that same space that advertises tinyMCE and tell new users how to make a hard link, you know the thing with the square brackets that 95 percent of all new users don't include on their first writeup and then often flee afterwards because they get all downvoted to hell.

So really now, how about a big honking message right there over the submit box for newbies telling them how to make a hardlink. Save that other advice up there for when they are level 2.