Perhaps you should consider this:

What is important to you? What is important to me?

We have different concerns and needs, and as such, different opinions on what is important in our lives. You can't just make a blanket statement like, "Most people go through life without really thinking much about things that are really important.", that's a bunch of bullshit! Did you stop to think for one second that perhaps each person's needs are different? I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but if what you meant by your write-up, GaurdianAngel, was that alot of people are wasting their lives with materialistic concerns and not paying more attention to what really matters (aka "God" and the "great unknown"), then perhaps you should unfuck your head. What you've failed to realize at this point is that many people's very psyche is rooted in the concept of material want and instant gratifacation. Yes, this is a real shame, but what can you do about it, control their mind?

Of course, there are people who reject this lifestyle, and can say, "But is there more to it all?". There are people who will wonder about the mystery of life. Of course, there are people who are content with a scientific explanation. And by the same token, there are people who are too bovine to even considering such things, and there's people who don't even care.

The reality of the matter is, GaurdianAngel, that nobody really knows the truth about a higher power besides their own blind faith and a "gut feeling" a person may get, which you may or may not interpret as the 'God Unit' communicating with you.

I'm no religion basher, I just feel that some people don't need religion, and therefore it's no big deal to them.

As for your statement that, "One guy spends time talking about Leonardo DiCaprio who "everyone hates", according to him, the next talks about something equally useless.". Hmmmm, well. Consider this: Perhaps some things that are important to other people doesn't mean shit to you? And, by the same token, what you believe in doesn't really impact some people. Think about it.

If a person 'needs' a higher power in their life, they will seek it out, or it will come to them. You can't say that awareness of religion or the mysteries of life will be a cure-all to enrich *every* person's life. If that were true, then what about all these former christian's turned atheist? Don't get me wrong, perhaps it was in the presentation, but maybe some people just aren't satisfied with the answers that religion hands down.

And as for you cowards who dissed on GaurdianAngel with those softlinks, you can cut the stupid bullshit. This is discussion, not a "I'm a 1337 noder" contest.