Hellsing is an excellent anime series deriving from an excellent manga. The series is usually considered to be a bit darker in tone than the manga, though the two only coincided in plot in the beginning. The manga has only recently been translated into English, and is being released by Dark Horse Comics. Dark Horse has kept the right to left styling of the original manga for the purpose of coherency. Several pages from the first issue would make little sense if the order were rearranged.
Hellsing (the anime) has the
distinction of having quite possibly the best
dub of any
anime series I've ever watched. The
voices all sound quite natural, with correct
British accents. The voice of
Alucard I would consider to be one of the best bits of
voice casting I've ever heard. Even better, with this
dub, the voices are in
sync with the animation better than most I've seen. It occasionally makes one wonder if the series were actually written in