There are two main ways of
cooking these tasty little fuckers. The first is to heat some oil in a frying pan on medium heat, perhaps chop in a little bit of
garlic or
onion, and then drop the perogies in. Flip them over when the bottom is
lightly browned (
well your gonna have to lift it up and look under okay), and take them out when both sides are done. Alternately,
bake them in the oven (on a greased cookie tray) at about 350 until golden brown.
As a side note, it is rather easy to make them by hand. Make some
mashed potatoes, chop in some
brocolli, some
cheese, maybe a little
oregano, and then divide into small lumps. Encase these lumps in some
dough (something of a hybrid dough between (
pastry), use a
fork to
mash down the edges, and you are set.