Last night my Bavarian Sysop took me to a German Kabarett bar in Munich where he played the piano. We arrived late, and I was hungry so I had a pils and a sauerbraten in the restaurant and missed his first set.

After I had eaten, I went into the Kabarett and took a seat in a dark corner and lit a P&S. I was quite surprised that he played the piano at all, and I was especially surprised that he played ragtime and jazz. He sat in front of the grand piano, then closed his eyes and jiggled when he began to play. Then he opened his eyes to look at the band. He had sort of a puzzled expression, and didn't look like he was enjoying himself at all.

After his set, we sat in the bar and drank beer while he told me stories about being a roadie for Propaganda. His English isn't great, but he knows how to spin a good tale of punks getting beaten up by country music fans. After four beers he took me back to my hotel.

I like my Bavarian Sysop.