I don't know about you, but I eat eggs regularly. They're a great source of protein, and, unlike most meat, they're low on fat, so I usually eat them as a second protein-rich meal of the day. P.S. a tip - the yolk is full of cholesterol. The white part isn't. I usually eat about one yolk for every 3 whites. The taste doesn't change much, but it's much healthier, and you get lots more proteins.

Anyway: soft-boiled eggs and fried eggs are rather yolk-oriented, so I usually find myself making an omelette. There are two ways to eat an omelette:

  1. Plain, with tons of ketchup. You say yuck now, but try it and then /msg me as to how great I am.
  2. With lots of stuff in them. Usually vegetables. So I'll impart now this terrific omelette recipe I concocted yesterday:


  • 6 eggs (of which two with yolks)
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 onion
  • Lots of mushrooms (fresh/canned)
  • 1 red (not chilli, just red) pepper (or yellow, just not green. Green peppers are disgusting.
  • 1 tomato
  • Lots of coriander, sliced up well
  • Olive oil (it's also healthier, but you MUST use olive oil to bring out the coriander)
  • 1 thingumagig of garlic (what do you call it? not the whole garlic, just one piece), cut thinly or crushed. (Jinmyo updates: it is, indeed, a clove of garlic)
  • A couple of basil leaves
  • Salt
  • Pepper
Cut the vegetables thin. Put the olive oil in a pan, and heat it up. When it's hot enough, shove all the vegetables together in, except the garlic and coriander. Add them in after about 2 minutes. Mix until you see the onion and the zucchini browning a bit, and then add the eggs, which you did not forget to beat beforehand, and added the salt and pepper to (to taste). Add the eggs over it all, bring to a smaller flame and wait until there's no more gooeiness in the eggs. Flip it all over. (This is done by placing a large plate over the pan, turning it over, and sliding the omelette onto the plate). Wait a couple of minutes and voila.