Here's the circuit for an astable multivibrator using the ubiquitous IC 555
____________________________ +Vcc
| | |
| | |
\ ____|_____|____
R1 / | 4 8 |
\ | |
/ | |
| | |
|-------|7 |
| | | Output
\ | IC 555 | __ __
R2 / | 3|---- _| |_| |_
\ | |
/ | |
|_______|6 |
| |___|2 5 1 |
| |_______________|
----- C1 | |
----- C2 --- |
| --- |
|____________|_____|__________ Gnd
The pin names are as follows :
The circuit
operates thus:
- The threshold pin is initially at ground because C1 is charging through R1 + R2. The output pin is at +Vcc.
- As soon as the potential of the threshold pin reaches 2/3 of Vcc , the output pin switches to the off state and the discharge pin goes to ground potential.
- This causes the capacitor C1 to discharge through R2.
- When the trigger pin goes below 1/3 of Vcc , the output pin goes back to the on state and the discharge pin goes to a floating (disconnected) state.
- The entire cycle repeats indefinitely.