Cool' is such a misfit. '
Cool' is such a misplaced word. I wish there was a better way ...
I wish I could show that it touched me to read this, I wish I could show you how I felt your anger, your pain, your sorrow, your mellow. How I felt reading your words. How it makes me want to cry like *I* have lost someone.
I want to say 'I'm sorry' sometimes, I want to tell you how I feel torn inside reading this. 'Cool' doesn't say it, 'Cool' just doesn't say what I want to. It's just not the right word.
If I were sitting by you listening to your story, between sobs and silences and failed attempts at stopping tears, if I were there with you right now, would I say 'Wow!', would I say 'Cool!'? I'll just put my hand on yours, offer you a hug maybe. 'Cool' doesn't say what I feel sometimes, it fills me with shame when I have to 'Cool' your story to say that it touched me.
I can send you a message, I know, I can send you my words ... if only I could think of some. If only I knew how to express in words what you made me feel.
'Cool' can not hold hands...