I find myself outside Nazreen's house, only she is now the aristocracy and lives in a massive house with much more of her family present, though that may simply be because an event is being held. I am with my best friend in all the world and I'm not sure who he is but he smiles at me and I know that we need to stay togther. We open a window to the kitchen and climb in, walking along a counter holding many different triffles and other desserts.

Whenever someone hails us we smile and wave but we know that we're not supposed to be there and they can see that. That's good breeding, I guess. Eventually we make our way out of the mansion and I recall suddenly that I never saw Nazreen once. Now outside the grounds and gates we stand silently by a long and dusty road, the sun hot and yellow on our skin. We need to head away from the sunset but we have no car. I stand on a large metal rock by the roadside to try and attract a car to hitch-hike with but none come. As I am scrambling down a pale blue American sports car shoots past.

There are now a lot of exchange students on the other side of the road, they have come from a party and are in high spirits. We cross the road to see them, to see if they could help us away from the sunset. One of them stands alone, a little way form the rest. I stand near him and stretch, lying back againt the steep embankment. I open my mouth and he turns to walk away.

My friend is talking with a girl with red, red hair and a bag with a daisy on it. I look back and the boy has returned. He takes my hand and leads me away down the road. I look back to find my friend but the others have disappeared. My new friend is very nice to me, he makes me smile and he holds my hand tightly.

The further we walk and the darker it becomes, the more I fear for my original friend, I know this new boy has done something, something bad and that we are in danger. There's nothing I can do for my old friend anymore, he is lost but I have to save myself. The boy catches me frowning, I quickly smile and kiss him on the cheek, the darkness leaves his eyes and holds me tighter, pulls me faster down the path.

I don't want to reach the end. I don't want to see what he has waiting there for me but I have no choice. I have no other friends to help me now. But I think of the girl with the daisy bag and I know that she will be ok.

There are many possible interpretations of this dream, please message me and tell me what you think and i shall write it up here