Yes, Janet Reno actually had a dance party. It was on July 19, 2002, during her campaign to become governor of Florida. The following is from the Miami Herald:
From Saturday Night Live spoof to campaign tactic: It's the Janet Reno Dance Party, live from Miami Beach.

Poking fun at herself, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate will host a fundraiser July 19 at Level, the South Beach club that bills itself as a "mecca for the world's most beautiful people."

Tickets to the bash are $25, and Reno promises to dance on one of the club's four dance floors.

"Absolutely," campaign spokeswoman Nicole Harburger said. "She'll be out there."

Janet went on to lose the nomination to Bill McBride, who in turn lost the election to Jeb Bush. The story wasn't over yet, as the following blurb from the Washington Post indicates:

More than 200 law students are chanting for the belle of this ball to shake her booty with cries of "Go Janet! Go Janet!" and a Bay City Rollers song pumping over the sound system is urging the same. For a few moments, the former attorney general clings safely to a ballroom column near the dance floor's edge. Then the DJ slips Abba's "Dancing Queen" into the disc player.

No, Janet Reno does not disappoint.

Within seconds of Abba's siren call, a black-haired Georgetown law professor leads Reno under the glittering disco ball, and the pair are two-stepping, her black grosgrained Ferragamo flats moving side to side, carefully at first, and her straight up-and-down purple dress never hinting at a curve.

Yes indeed: on August 2, 2003, Janet Reno reprised her dance party, this time for the American Constitution Society convention in Washington.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Another update: Janet Reno was recently the grand marshal of a parade in Miami. She introduced herself as "Will Ferrell."