However fun it is to create the perfect family and put them in perfect relationships with highly successful jobs and more green bars on their mood rating scale, this game can also bring out the worst in people.

From the same people that made cities in Sim City just so that they could play God and destroy it, this game also gives you the ability to express your sadistic desires.

You'd be surprised at how many people create families just to watch them wallow in misery and their own feces. Try forgetting to give them a toilet or fridge or shower or garbage can. Try locking your Sims in 1x1 rooms with no windows or doors. Time how long it takes before they go insane, break out and kill everyone.

The most appealing part of this game to some people is death. How many different ways can you cause your Sims to die miserable, gruesome deaths? Patrick Buechner, Maxis's marketing director, even claims "It's part of the power trip. If you can't have bad things happen, you lose the sense of drama. That's why there's death in the game. That's why you can drop people in the pool and then remove the ladders so they can't get out."

Although The Sims's manual doesn't exactly encourage you to torture your creations, it does say this.
"Having a conscience is not a prerequisite to playing The Sims; sometimes it can even get in the way."