While it is true that the chocolate Mexican sauce known as mole is very well known, it is actually only one of several mole sauces.

The chocolate one, Mole Poblano, and described so well by bozon, is the only mole many people know of. All of the moles are very old recipes, existing in similar forms since before the arrival of the Spaniards. In this regard, they're not particularly spicy or chile-hot, and can be regarded as delicious archaeolgical oddities of Mexican cuisine.

The other moles are:

Mole Verde

Containing green chiles, stock, finely ground pumpkin seeds, and traditional Mexican spices, it is usually served as a sauce over pork or chicken. It's easier to make than Mole Poblano. The name means "green mole".

Mole Roja

Containing red chiles, finely ground nuts and/or seeds, ground or torn corn tortilltortillas, and Mexican seasoning. Like Mole Verde, it's usually served with pork or chicken. The name means "red mole".

research source: RecipeSource / UCLA Berkeley