So it's been over 3 weeks since I've written a log. That was right before I went out to meet the Woman Who Cried when Carlin Died (not sure if the rime makes that name worse or better). For those who don't know, let's just say our phone conversation went better than meeting in person.

It was also pointed out to me that for any of who who read these logs but don't ever really talk to me, I didn't really explain how I met this woman. She "winked" at me on Okcupid I wrote back and she gave me her phone number and I think we basically know the rest. Well, we don't know exactly, but I don't want to really go into it. Unless you yourself plan on trying to date people from Okcupid and want to swap stories. I'm always down for story swapping. Or swapping in general.

Don't be disgusting, I wasn't talking about come swapping...I mean I am up for that, pretty much I'm up for anything that involves someone having an orgasm, but I meant swapping like I fuck your wife and you...well at this point all I can let you do is masturbate and pretend you are me.

And if any of you women want me to fuck your husbands while you masturbate and pretend you are me, I'm up for that too. Please just let me remind you that tips are always appreciated.

Which is where we leave the oh-so-enjoyable world of sex and segue into the world of money. For those who aren't my facebook friends, let me say that I have an audition to become a temporary poker dealer. That audition is on May 5th. Cinco de Mayo. Which is probably why I was thinking of my ex-girlfriend recently.

For those that haven't read every little detail of my life that I've shared too much of, last year on Cinco de Mayo I was schedule to work as a busman (it's like a busboy, only much, much more depressing) at a fancy Mexican restaurant. I did not work. Instead I was on a bus to Grand Junction.

Yeah, I don't want to tell this story again, check old day logs if you care.

You'd think I'd be super excited about my opportunity to become a poker dealer. I think this is my in. I think I'll be a great poker dealer. I think I'll be able to support myself easily just dealing poker some day.

Maybe I really am a negative person. Really, I think it's just that I've never looked very far into the future.

Let's go back to 3 weeks ago. I had this date. I was rejected. It sucked. But then I had another date with a different woman. And that was pretty cool as far as I'm concerned. Even though she may not want to see me again, I enjoyed my time with her. And she may actually read this, so I don't want to say anything too explicit about our time together. I have no idea if she'd care, but erring on the side of caution isn't the worst idea.

Then something else great happened. I worked 4 nights at my restaurant job and it was very low stress and good money. I was happy. Then the night manager I worked with, the one who seems to actually respect me disappeared and it was back to the stress of working with people who don't really like you.

So I worry. I feel guilty. See in the service industry you have a lot of control over how much you work, and I don't want to work these days. Maybe I'm feeling guilty because I don't think I'll pay my mortgage in May. But to be fair to myself I'm not the jerk that came up with a rule that to qualify for this new help program you have to have missed two months payments. It's like the credit card companies all over again. Reward the people who you worry won't give you money, punish those that do.

A man can only take so much punishment.

Also, I should mention Kongai. Kongai is this game on Kongregate that I've really gotten into. I'm really digging the psychology of a rock, paper, scissors game with unequal payouts. Analyzing my own, and other players tendencies is really cool too. I actually remember some things about some of the people I play.

I've also watched a couple of the Game Theory classes that Yale filmed and put online. It's good to have new jargon to talk about the things you love, in addition to learning concepts you hadn't thought out very well. Sure, I've heard of the Prisoner's Dilemma, but it only took me to get to the second class to learn about Common Knowledge.

Sex and games, oh how I love them. What about comedy?

I like it when my girlfriend moans, it's the bitching that bothers me.

How do you like them apples?

I like writing jokes. I've had some people ask me to write more about games. I want to do that for them. When you write me or talk to me or tap Morse Code on to the head of my cock...when you communicate in any way that you want something...I want to reward you. I do so love all the feedback. I do so love talking to people. But only if you get something out of me. When people want me to fuck off, I fuck off.

So games. I was telling a story about playing this guy Kongai and as soon as it got to the point I really felt I had the game wrapped up, my opponent starts stalling. It's pretty amazing when you deal with someone who games a system. AI is still terrible last I checked, and it would be REALLY hard for Kongai to tell when a player has a tough decision, even if we assumed that isn't subjective. So instead it gives you about 40 seconds to do EVERY move you need to make. Sometimes there really is no choice, but you get your 40 seconds anyway. And this guy I was playing started using his whole 40 seconds for EVERY move.

It's always interesting when you deal with people who care more about winning than the game. This is obviously common in professional sports. No one cares if their team won on a bad call. The rules are what the ref says goes, those are the rules.

If *I* were a different person I'd have quit that game and let my opponent win (you can forfeit in Kongai) and gone over to my friend's house. But that isn't me. I'm the guy who wants to reward you for your feedback, and who doesn't want to reward some guy trying to exploit a game feature for a cheap win.

But I learned in "my" Game Theory class that sometimes rational play can lead to bad outcomes. I was always a big believer in the idea that if you are doing something that if EVERYONE did it would obviously be horrible, you shouldn't do it. But that is exactly what the Prisoner's Dilemma is all about.

I had fun talking at the guy, not that he responded. But as soon as I finally beat him he wrote "gg"

What a jerk. I'd like me Kongai ranking to reflect how well I play Kongai, not my patience, thank you very much.

I realize too that I play Comfort Games. Much in the way people eat Comfort Food. I have Comfort Sex too.

Thanks again, I'm going to go play games.