I grew up mormon. It is very hard to explain the odd vibes I always got from the women in my religion growing up. There is a lot of residual Chauvinism in the church (we men have the priesthood, the women do not). The counter force of that priesthood is the Relief Society, a society consisting of every LDS (mormon) woman of an adult age. The society is dedicated to uplifting and bettering the women and keeping the men from walking all over them. This is usually not a problem, but shit happens.

The version of the Relief Society for teenagers is the Young Woman's program. They strive to keep us (at the time) Young Men from getting them pregnant and to teach them "womanly" skills (e.g. homemaking, crafts, etc).

Being in a leadership position in the Young Men's program, I had a frequent opportunity to disagree with the Young Women. Often times it came down to a hit and punch, read in between the lines, political boxing match between myself and the women advising the Young Women. I really didn't care to oppress or belittle them. Quite the contrary. I simply found the amount of egg shells I had to walk on to avoid "looking like I might be putting SOMETHING in place to eventually undermine their authority" appalling. The whole charade got old rather quickly, hence the politics. I've noticed this several times outside the mormon religion, but generally concentrated around feminist movements. Again, not that I have anything against feminism, just when it attacks me.

These two groups are well meaning, but one can get burnt if said person sees their bad side. Hell hath no fury like an angry woman (William Congreve). And they are ALWAYS right when their leaders are gathered together.