The ceremonial apartment of a Baroque ruler, whether they be 17th Century monarchy or an American Robber Baron.

As a proper New England farm has a Big House, a Little House, a back house and a Barn, the apartment of a ruler has an Antechamber, a Chamber, a Drawing Room, a Boudoir, a Bed-Room, a Closet, with a Bathroom the logical seventh, where and with technology would permit.

The social distinctions are many: to be asked to wait in the ante-chamber would mean that you were no more than 'trade', while to lounge in the chamber, might mean that you might be asked to stay awhile, and even be given food and drink. To be asked into the drawing room (properly the "withdrawing room") might mean an urgent matter was about to be disclosed, while being allowed into the boudoir would mean that one was a close friend. No one less than a lover would be asked into the Bedroom, while none less than one's priest might be asked into the Closet.

Hope this clears some things up.