With all due respect, freeborn, you're forgetting that some people are poopheads, and some are commies. Furthermore, if you're going to claim that "tension, hatred, and in general bad vibes" are a bad thing, that's all very well, but you've offered nothing to justify that claim. In fact, your whole argument rests on very questionable assumptions.

You haven't given us any coherent objection to ad hominem attacks, either: If I demonstrate that you are a poophead, is that not a fact worth considering like any other? What about the bad vibes? Have the bad vibes no value at all? The "argumentam ad bad vibes" has a long and distinguished history in the Church and elsewhere. I refuse to abandon it because some random poophead has a mysterious and unspecified allergy to tension and irrational hatred.

You seem to suggest that name-calling is the last refuge of somebody with nothing constructive to say, but isn't that a grossly biased statement? In fact, name-calling is the first refuge of somebody with something DEstructive to say. That puts rather a different complexion on it, eh? It's a lot like the whole "pro-life"/"anti-choice"/"pro-choice" thing: The liberals deliberately obscure the issue by inventing fanciful and gratuitously negative terms like "anti-choice". Once you start accepting any of their terminology, once you start calling the anti-life activists "pro-choice", you have implicitly accepted their whole bloodthirsty worldview, and from there on in the debate will go nowhere. It's much more honest and sensible to call a spade a spade: I may have plenty of constructive things to say, but my priorities are in order and the bad vibes come first.

Of course, that's because I'm not a poophead.