Well, today was rather un-eventful, mainly due to the fact that I slept all day, but what else is new for my weekend routine.

I got home Saturday morning at about 6am. Went to bed shortly after. One would think that I could make it up to the alarm at 1pm, seeing as that's a good 7 hours of sleep. No way, no sir. Not me. How about 1am Sunday morning instead? Christ on a stick. I missed going to the bank today, to deposit my rent money. I missed seeing Dirty Girl play at The Outer Limit. I missed....life today.

Right now, I'm sitting here at the cafe (duh, I live here), waiting for NightShadow to wake up around 3, and come play pool at George's. Hopefully that will go well, assuming the sun doesn't suck all the energy out of me before that time rolls around.

Oh, how exciting my life is.