"Shoplifting raises prices!"
"Shoplifting causes me, as an employee, to lose money!"

Stop whining. Problems have solutions.

Don't get me wrong, I've never stolen anything in my life. But I think it's silly when I hear people berating friends of mine who occassionally lift a 20 oz. Pepsi at a Circle K for reasons like this. The shoplifter is not the one raising prices and cutting employee bonuses due to shoplifting. Somebody higher up on the company totem pole, who makes money based on how much money the store makes, decides to cut his losses by creating company policy (slush funds, etc) that punishes employees and shoppers, instead of spending money from his budget to beef up security. You don't like it? Shop or work somewhere that doesn't have such problems with shoplifting and/or doesn't institute these kinds of policies. If enough people think for themselves and respond to behavior they dislike, then either the company will alter its policies or go out of business and be replaced by a store that may or may not learn from its predecessor's mistakes.