Once upon a time, and seemingly not that long ago, this morning I would have made my way to the closest Dan's Hamburgers as I woke up way too early and would need something filling to fuel my day. There, I'd have ordered coffee and probably a small orange juice, followed by the #1: Ham & Cheese Omelet, hash browns, biscuits, with a side of sausage gravy. Besides providing quite the cache of calories, it would have given me a moment or two of nostalgia, reminiscing about times (and foods) past. Times with my daughter doing the same; my mom's biscuits and gravy as well as her jams, jellies, and preserves; even going as far back as helping my mom's mom make breakfast, especially her biscuits and fried apples. Because of current health conditions, it is now in my best interest to not participate in such a feast to break my fast of last night. My heart would not appreciate those five or six cups of coffee, and my cursed bowels would not appreciate processing that amount of food. And hungry I usually am as I've been blessed with no decrease in appetite, and no nausea!

So, what I did instead was go to work early and eat breakfast there: a couple of scrambled eggs (which were not done enough for my liking) and a half-order of French toast (the brioche of which wasn't soaked in the custard long enough, as far as my tastes go). Was hoping to have enough energy to make it my first day back after my last chemotherapy treatment but, alack and alas, no such luck. Made it less than an hour. Saying that one will feel fatigued is quite an understatement. Will try again tomorrow, of course, after my way-too-early-in-the-morning sonagram for my rapidly approaching histotripsy, followed by lab work necessary for the same procedure.

Speaking of work, I was scheduled the last two days and just couldn't do much of anything. Including, much to my regret, my eldest grandchild's birthday party. As mentioned last year, today is my eldest grandchild's birthday. Fourteen years ago today, at 1:24 PM, weighing in at 7 lbs, 8.3 oz, and 19.75 inches long, that little person cemented my role as a grandparent. Now, I've missed two of that grandchild's birthdays. Got to do better, got to get healthier, feel there are still happy memories to be made for them. Running out of words, and steam, so off I go to sleep: perchance to dream. The chemo fog hasn't quite lifted, although 'tis better than this morning when I began this log. And although the weekly iron sucrose infusions and the pint of blood I received on Wednesday are helping with the energy levels and cold tolerance, the anemia is still there.

Don't forget, Brevity Quest 2025 is still running...

Prickle-Prickle, the 54th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3191