Espresso "corrected" with the addition of spirits.

"While Caffe Corretto can be savored at any time, it is often consumed as a digestif after a meal. "
Cappuccino Oracle

Often described as a "cocktail", this drink is usually taken at the end of a meal, and serves the dual purpose of settling the tummy after a large meal, and providing a zesty coffee drink that won't immediately put you into food coma, or make one feel too twitchy, come to that.

There are many ways of enjoying the drink, using a variety of liqueurs and spirits. My own introduction, in Hungary, involved a classic espresso shot and a shotglass of grappa on the side. Local practice was to sip on each in turn, I took the bull by the horns and nailed the espresso shot first and then chased it down with the grappa. Some people will mix the drinks together, cocktail-style. It seems there are as many ways of enjoying it as there are people drinking it.

Its effect on me over a three-hour period of taking one about every twenty minutes was both predictable and dangerous. Simultaneously jumped up with coffee jitters and slighly smashed, I found it almost impossible to stand, what with shaking rubber knees and a lack of balance, it's a miracle I didn't pee myself en route to the WC. I do not recommend this approach, rather keep it to a single shot of each at the end of a meal unless you have thoroughly lined your stomach. The two components did not have the effect of "cancelling one another out", rather amplifying the feeling of helplessness.

The liquors used include grappa, as above, brandy, sambucca, Calvado, vodka and other local variants. The drink has many names, again depanding on locale. However you serve it and enjoy it, Caveat Bibens!


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