This is the truth.

The feminists have acquired nuclear weapons, and they plan to sterilize the entire planet if that's what it takes to kill off all the men. This can be found in paragraph 3, page 10 of The Feminist Agenda (Random House, 1973).

It goes without saying (and should certainly be said without justification) that feminism and lesbianism are the same phenomenon: After all, radical feminism sounds like the kind of thing that lesbians would be into, and it is rhetorically acceptable to refer to all feminists as radical feminists, because they're, like, really bad and stuff so you should say mean things about them.

All you need to know is that all feminists hate men and want to kill them. This is easily proven: Any feminist who claims otherwise is either lying (feminists always lie: Otherwise, they'd be telling the truth, and that would mean they're not pure evil, but they are pure evil, so they must be lying. QED), or if she's not lying, then she's not a feminist (it is axiomatic that all feminists hate men and want to kill them; therefore, any "feminist" who doesn't think that way is obviously something else, maybe a Shriner. QED).

Only by incessantly weeping and moaning about this shocking state of affairs can we hope to save ourselves from certain destruction.