I've been beaten about the face and neck all morning about 'how religion is stupid'. It's got my creative juices flowing. This ain't a bash against any kind of belief structure, simply a rebuttal of the other argument. For a counterpoint of this, try going somewhere else.

-- Rant Mode ON --

It has been said that religion (also known as 'belief in god') is a way for Molly-coddled people to deal with existence. I respect that viewpoint; however, if you ascribe to that view, you must also entertain the possibility (at least momentarily) of it going the other way: that perhaps atheism is a crutch for weak people.

One or two outspoken individuals have said, among other things, that a belief in a higher power is simply put there for idiots: for people who cannot come up with their own image of existence and to make their decisions for them. That they need to justify their being here by proxy on another being.

But hows about we look at the other side?

Perhaps atheism is the same way -- put there because some people cannot deal with the idea that maybe they are not the most important thing in the universe. That maybe they are not so unique. And especially, because they can't deal with the idea that mankind isn't 'all that and a bag of chips'. Joe might not be so much in control of his life, and that scares the shit out of him.

You might be religious because you can't think for yourself; but I might be atheist because I am unwilling the believe that I am not the controlling force in existence.. or because I demand the freedom to not be judged.. or because I am unwilling to aspire to anything greater.. or because I just need to be different. It's the difference between introverted and extroverted nihilism. A religious zealot believes in "God" alone and a Strong Atheist believes in everything but. The same shoe on the other foot, really.

Am I religious or atheistic? Both. And I don't do either of them very well.