Webcomic artist, best known for his work on Road Waffles. His real name, birthdate, and similar vitals are unknown. Eight lives in Thunder Bay, Ontario (up in Canada).

Eight is also a decent musician, with mp3s of his works up at <www.mp3.com/eight> for those interested in listening.

Eight has created over fifteen different series of comics throughout his life, some of them self-published, but almost all of them available over the ubiquitous internet at <www.eightland.com>. His most recent comics have suffered due to unresolved personal issues, but it would appear that the worst is over and that he's slowly climbing back up to his success that he enjoyed back in the heyday of webcomicry.

A list (potentially incomplete) of comic series by Eight is now presented in no particular order. Ratings are provided (rated by Eight, and approximate to movie ratings), so you know what to avoid.

There are also a number of one-shot comics available at his website.