I walked into my office and my eagle feathers were laying on my keyboard. Thats when I could no longer pretend it wasn't happening. Jamie..Bird...my best friend I've ever had, my soul sister, the one person I've ever been able to cry on..has moved. She's the woman who showed me that it's ok to be Indian if I'm not a full blood. She's the person who taught me to mix the spiritual and physical worlds, and live that mixture in everyday life. She's the neice of Dino Butler, and by introducing me to him and allowing me to get to know him, she helped me learn that heros are ordinary people. She's beautiful, and warm, and all fucked up. My heart is heavy. I want to go home and hide. I want to go to the beach and smudge and listen to the Creator. I want to get in my car and drive to Lincoln City. I'm so glad Jamie is. The gift of an Eagle feather is unlike any gift I've ever recieved. Ho...Mitakuye Oyasin. All my relations.