Cosmic Monstrosities and Lovecraftian Abominations
Maintained By: Everyone
Title | by | Type | |
1 | What Would Cthulhu Do? (idea) | Milen | writeup |
2 | How I Bested Cthulhu and Saved the World (dream) | wertperch | writeup |
3 | The Lovecraftian compulsion to keep writing even as one is being devoured (idea) | Quizro | writeup |
4 | What to do if your friends think you are an agent of the Old Ones (idea) | Quizro | writeup |
5 | It's a Hard Knock Life for a Cosmic Horror Cultist (fiction) | xiakha | writeup |
6 | Cthulhu for President (idea) | ClockworkGrue | writeup |
7 | Shub-Internet (fiction) | Jet-Poop | writeup |
8 | How to turn a kraken house into a kraken home (how-to) | alex | writeup |
9 | Campus Crusade for Cthulhu (thing) | Martian_Bob | writeup |
10 | Ye Old Lovecraftian Bake Shoppe (thing) | muted | writeup |
11 | A Shoggoth on the Roof (thing) | EvilFrog | writeup |
12 | Don't blame me, I voted for Cthulhu (idea) | gooddoug | writeup |
13 | Destini's Pony (fiction) | Jet-Poop | writeup |