A children's encyclopædia and so much more.

""To inspire ambition, to stimulate the imagination and to provide the inquiring mind with accurate information told in an interesting style & thus lead into broader fields of knowledge"
—from the first volume.

These words proved to be true, at least for one seven-year-old boy in Nottinghamshire in the year 1963. That child was, of course, me, and my parents knew me well enough that they understood that by putting books in front of me, I would read them, and read them I did, all seven volumes. It was (I think) a birthday gift from my folks, and what a gift! On my belly on the floor, head propped in my hands, book open in front of me, I devoured them and all they contained. In an idle moment I might go to the shelves, pull a volume at random and plunge down the rabbit hole. thanks, Dad!

Sixty years on and I still have these volumes, and despite their being aimed at children and somewhat dated (no entry for "Computer" for example, but an excellent article on Calculating machines) I sill read them. Flipping through, i see things that stood out to me then, and which I still recall vividly. One example is a colour plate of beetles and anoher, a photo of magnetic core memory knitted from wires and tiny ring magnets; it still fills me with awe.

I believe that this encyclopædia is responsible for my fascination with knowledge and the connections between things. It was easy for me to flip from one topic to another and see the threads that hold our world together. When I came to E2, i found the same enthusiasm in others, and twenty-odd years later, i am still here, still fascinated and delighted. it's not without its flaws (primary is its focus on a fairly British worldview (so many Britons, fewer furriners, the British imperial thinking is evident to me now)

it's hardly as potent a learning tool as the beter-known Encyclopædia Britannica, but it was certainly instumental in making me he curious lad I am today. Between this gift from my parents and the gift of story from my grandfather (I still love and miss you!) i have the explanation of why I stayed on E2, with all it entails.

there are a few other references to the title, a few of which I have outlined below. Feel free to fill in any blanks for me.

1. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch

This is a spiritual and philosophical text authored by Dr. J.J. Hurtak. It claims to be a received revelation that combines aspects of Judeo-Christian theology, mysticism, and new age beliefs. The book is structured as a series of "keys" or revelations that are intended to provide spiritual insights and guidance for the future of humanity.

3. Liber de Causis (Book of Causes)

Sometimes referred to in English as "The Book of Knowledge," this is a philosophical treatise attributed to an anonymous author but heavily influenced by Proclus and the Neoplatonic tradition. It was widely studied in the medieval period and had a significant impact on medieval Scholasticism.

4. The Book of Knowledge (Various Islamic Texts)

In Islamic tradition, "The Book of Knowledge" can refer to several different works, including sections of larger texts like Sahih al-Bukhari, which is one of the major collections of hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). These sections often deal with the importance of seeking knowledge and the manners and methods of doing so.

5. The Book of Knowledge (Freemasonry)

There are also references to "The Book of Knowledge" within Masonic traditions, where it is considered a symbolic or allegorical text that imparts wisdom and moral lessons to members of the fraternity.

Bonus Book: Paul Erdös held the view that there existed a book (possibly written by The Creator!) that showed the simplest and most elegant proofs of all of mathematics. He referred to it often, as The Book.

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