Ask for help; your friends will thank you for it.
Asking for help is the hardest thing I ever have to do. My father modelled being self-sufficient, taking care of my own shit, being self-reliant. He grew up being "mother" to his younger siblings. He came home from school to cook a meal, organise house-cleaning, doing laundry. He survived this, toughened up and it made him who he was. A hard act to follow.
It's easy to say that we should be self-reliant, not dependent on others, but by golly sometimes things are Just Too Hard alone, and we need help. Today I needed help getting my jacket on without pain, the other day I needed assistance getting my laundry home out of the car. Yes, I could have done both these things by myself, but it would have hurt (for background, I am still healing after open heart surgery, my chest was cracked open and I've injured my rotator cuff by twisting to put on my seatbelt. So while I could arrange to do these things without help, it could potentially cause more issues in already-broken things.
So I ask for help, hard though that is. In the first case, I present myself to my housemate and tell him I'm struggling to get my jacket on; he's heard me cursing so he holds it while I slip my arms in and shrug it on. It takes but a moment, he really doesn't mind and in fact is happy to help me not exacerbate existing injuries. He also knows that I will happily help him out in both large and small ways. In the second instance it needed me to ask someone else in the car park if they wouldn't mind helping me get my laundry duffel out of the car. I explained that I was recovering from surgery once he'd hauled my load out; he immediately asked if I needed help with it to my door, an offer I gladly accepted. This always makes it easier; I'm not asking for help now, but accepting the offer of help offered. It turns out that most people will look for ways of helping a neighbour out and willingly offer once hey understand the need.
SO sometimes, asking for help doesn't need to use those words; we simply need to present a case and mostly, folk will offer help, taking the sting out of asking for assistance.
When Christine was diagnosed with her cancer, and most especially for a few weeks after her mastectomy surgery, I was doing almost everything for her, running errands, cooking, cleaning house and getting Tess up and ready for school. And you know what? Because I loved her I was happy to do it. She didn't have to ask, I offered and hung around to continue to support her whatever her need. But even so, she occasionally had to swallow her pride and ask for help with things long after she was healed from surgery. She had emotional, spiritual and psychological needs that weren't always apparent, and she put her trust in me that I wouldn't turn her down or make her feel guilty (she still felt guilty though, having been brought up with similar expectations from her folks). These days I have learned that I simply cannot do everything I used to, can't take my body for granted, and that I need to ask for the same support I was giving Christine, almost twenty years ago. ¹
Knowing all of this, if even my friends are inconvenienced (by sickness, loss or hardship) I am on the lookout for ways to help where I can, even if it's just offering a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear. Supporting my friends in this way makes me feel like I'm doing something, and my friends know they aren't alone in the world to cope by themselves.
There is a phrase I recall from the novel Dune, that "the gift is a blessing to the giver". An offer of help that's declined can feel hurtful. So if (when!) you are in need, dear reader, remember this, and take it a step further, give your fiends the opportunity to help, in a sense you're offering them the gift of supporting you.
¹ Yes, almost twenty years since I came to the US to be with this woman, marry her even though I knew the cost. On 1 March it will be exactly twenty years, and I still have no regrets. I'd give a lot to have her still here so I could run round after her. I still occasionally find myself getting ready to make two cups of tea in the afternoons. If she were still here, she'd ask for help and I'd still happily oblige, and I in turn, could learn from that.