"Dungeon Synth" is a niche genre of electronic music. It emerged from black metal in the 1990s, and has since evolved into its own genre of music. It's similar to very slow black metal, with ambient synth drones added to it. Sometimes there are guitar chords, but usually the synth is doing the heavy lifting. It often heavily includes ambience of some kind like vinyl crackle and rain sounds. I would describe the entire genre as "very ambient" and also somewhat dark. It usually has medieval and fantasy themes, is very minimalistic and repetitive, has a dark and lonely feel to it (like a "dungeon"), and it's almost always very slow. Here's a song.

I have been listening to a lot of music in this genre. I had a hard time finding dungeon synth that I liked, but then I discovered Mountain Realm, a dungeon synth band. I really like them. I sent their music to my friend, and he said, "that entire record label produces only that type of music." So I started listening, and he was right. Cryo Crypt, they're called, and they distribute music exclusively in this genre. I adore the music. I can't get enough. Mountain Realm, Trollslottet, Swordlender, they're all so good. I went and bought three albums. I would have preferred vinyl but they're selling them as cassettes. I get the digital download instantly if I buy the cassette, so I figure I'm getting both for the price of one. Which I know, that's not how it works, if I'm getting both it's the price of BOTH, but I'm choosing to believe. Additionally -- supporting the artist, getting something physical is a bonus too. 

Mountain Realm's album "Shadowlorn" has been playing through my big speakers for the last 36 hours. I plan to leave it on all night. That's how much I'm enjoying it. It's not very assertive, I can do other things without it distracting me. It seems appropriate, considering I'm attempting to write something in the dark fantasy genre. I'm only 6000 words into the story, which is NOT much by any means. I'm trying to do nanowrimo, but in December. I'm very behind in my writing, but I'm hoping I'll catch up once my semester has ended.

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