The E section of Robert Cawdrey's 1604 dictionary A Table Alphabeticall.
Not content with a mere transcription, I have also translated Cawdrey's 400 year old English into modern E2 English, through a process involving the OED, much research and many educated guesses.
The main entries may appear in as many as five parts :
Original {Corrected} [Repaired] (Modern) <E2>
Original is exactly as it appears in Cawdrey.
Corrected fixes what I believe to be a typo.
Repaired swaps I with J, and U with V, as necessary for current alphabetic usage.
Modern gives the modern American spelling.
E2 removes plurals and verb endings and such, so it links to an existing node.
Each operation is performed on its left-hand neighbor. The results are omitted if nothing
changed. Only the rightmost word is hard-linked.
A leading (f) indicates French origin, a leading (g) indicates Greek origin.
If an entry is marked with clueless, then my search for a modern version of the word has come up empty.
Please msg me with any corrections or suggestions.
See Also
Main Entry,
- Ebullient
- seething
- ebulliated <ebulliate>
- boyled
- (g) eclipse
- failing of the light of the sunne or
- eccho (echo)
- a sound, resounding back againe
- (g) ecclesiasticall (ecclesiastical)
- belonging to the church
- eden
- pleasure, or delight
- edict
- a commaundement from authoritie
a proclamation
- edifice
- building
- edifie (edify)
- instruct, or builde vp in know
- edition
- putting foorth, setting abroade
- education
- bringing vp
- effect
- a thing done, or to bring to passe
- effectuall (effectual)
- forcible
- effeminate
- womannish, delicate, wan
- efficacie (efficacy)
- force, or strength
- efficient
- working, or accomplishing
- effusion
- powring, or running foorth
- (g) eglogue (eclogue)
- a talking together
- egresse (egress)
- foorthgoing, or passage out
- eiection [ejection]
- a casting foorth
- elaborate
- done curiously, and dilligently
- election
- choise
- elect
- chosen, or picked out
- elegancie (elegancy)
- finesse of speech
- element
- the first principle or beginning of anything
- (g) elench
- a subtill argument
- eleuate [elevate]
- lift vp, or heaue vp
- elocution
- good vtterance of speech
- emerods (hemorrhoids)
- a kind of disease
- (f) embark, imbark
- to ship a thing, or load a ship
- (g) emblem
- a picture shadowing out something to be learned
- eminent
- appearing, higher, or further out excelling
- emmot (emmet)
- pismire
- (g) emphasis
- a forcible expressing
- (f) empire
- gouernement or kingdome
- emulation
- enuie, or imitate
- enarration
- declaration, expounding
- (g) enigmaticall (enigmatical)
- full of hard questions, obscure
- (f) enchaunt (enchant)
- bewitch
- encounter
- set against, or to meete
- (f) encrochment (encroachment)
- when the Lord hath gotten seisen of more rent, or seruices of his tenant then of right is due
- (f) endosse (endorse)
- cut on the back, or write on the back
- enduce (induce)
- moue
- enimitie (enmity), enmitie (enmity)
- displeasure, or hatred
- enflame <inflame>
- burne, or set on fire
- (f) enfranchise
- make free
- (f) engrate (ingrate)
- presse vpon
- (f) enhaunce (enhance)
- to lift vp, or make greater
- (f) enlarge
- make bigger, set at libertie
- (f) enoble (ennoble)
- make noble, or famous
- enormious (enormous)
- out of square, vnorderly
- (f) ensigne (ensign)
- flagge for war
- (f) enterlace (interlace)
- to put betweene, intermingle
- (f) enterprise
- beginne, take in hand
- (f) enterre (inter)
- lay in the earth
- (f) entrals (entrails)
- inward parts, as hart, liuer, &c
- (f) enuiron [environ]
- to enclose, or compasse about
- epha (ephah)
- kind of measure
- epicure
- giuen to pleasure
- (g) epigram
- a sentence, written vpon any, for praise, or dispraise
- (g) epilogue
- conclusion
- (g) epilepsis (epilepsy)
- the falling sicknes
- (g) episcopall (episcopal)
- bishoplike
- (g) epiphanie (epiphany)
- appearing
- (g) epitaph
- the writing on a tombe or graue
- (g) epithite (epithet)
- a name or title giuen to any thing
- (g) epitome
- the briefe copie of a booke, &c
- (g) epitomise (epitomize)
- to make an epitome, or to bring a booke into a lesser volume
- equalize
- match, or make equall
- equinoctium (equinox)
- when the dayes and nights are equall
- (f) equipage
- furniture
- equitie (equity)
- right, lawfulnes
- erect
- set vp, or lift vp
- equiualent [equivalent]
- of equall valew
- (g) ermite (hermit)
- one dwelling in the wildernes
- erronious (erroneous)
- full of errour, and wandring out of the right way
- (f) essay
- tryall what one can say, or doe in any matter
- (f) escheat
- forfaite
- (f) eschew
- shunning, auoyde, escape
- (f) espoused <espouse>
- promised in marriage
- essence
- substance, or being of any thing
- (f) essoine (essoin)
- excused for any cause
- (f) establish
- confirme, make strong
- estimate
- esteeme, value, or prise, thinke or iudge
- eternall (eternal)
- euerlasting, without end
- (g) ethnick (ethnic)
- an heathen, or gentile
- (g) etymologie (etymology)
- true expounding
- euacuated [evacuated] <evacuate>
- made voyde, cleane taken away: or emptied
- (g) euangell [evangell] (evangel)
- the gospell: or glad tidings
- (g) euangelist [evangelist]
- bringer of glad tidings
- euaporate [evaporate]
- to breath out
- euent [event]
- chaunce, or that which followeth any thing
- euict [evict]
- ouercome by law
- (g) eucharist
- a thanksgiuing, the Lords supper
- (g) eunuch
- gelded, wanting stones
- euert [evert]
- turne vpside downe
- euident [evident]
- easie to be seene, plaine
- euocation [evocation]
- calling forth
- exact
- perfectly done, or to require with extremitie
- exaggerate
- heape vpon, amplifie to make a thing more then it is
- exaltation
- lifting vp
- exasperate
- whet on, to vex, or make more angrie
- excauate [excavate]
- make hollow
- excaecate (excecate)
- to make blind
- excessiue [excessive]
- too much, more then enough
- (f) excheaquer (exchequer)
- office of receits
- exclaime (exclaim)
- bray, or crie out
- exclude
- thrust, or shut out, or keepe out
- excogitate
- to muse, or deuise exactly
- excommunicate
- to thrust out of company or fellowship
- excrement
- dung, offal, refuse, or dregs
- excruciat (excruciate)
- to vex, or torment
- excursion
- a skirmidsh in warres, of some few running from their companie
- execrable
- cursed
- execute
- performe, or exercise some charge
- exempt
- free, priuiledged
- exemplifie (exemplify)
- enlarge, or declare by examples
- exhalation
- a breath, or fume rising vpward
- exhaust
- drawne out, or emptied
- exhibite (exhibit)
- put vp or bestow: to offer, or set abroade for all men to see
- exiccate (exsiccate)
- to drie vp
- exile
- banish, driue out
- exorable
- easie, to be intreated
- exorbitant
- out of order, measure or place
- (g) exorcist
- coniurer
- (f) exorde (exord) <exordium>
- beginne
- exordium
- a beginning, or entrance
- expect
- looke for
- expedient
- fit, meete or beseeming
- expedition
- hast, speede
- expell (expel)
- put out, or thrust out
- expend
- consider, or muse vpon
- expence (expense)
- cost, or money layd out
- experiment
- a proofe, or triall
- expert
- skilfull
- expiation
- pacifying with satisfaction, purging by sacrifice
- expire
- to die, or giue vp the ghost to decay
- explane (explain)
- to make manifest, or delcare
- explicate
- declare plainely
- (f) exploit
- enterprise, act, deede
- expose
- to offer, or lay open, to hazard
- expostulate
- to reason, or chide with, to complaine
- expresly (expressly)
- fitly, manifestly
- exprobration
- vpbreyding, casting in ones teeth
- expugnable
- to be wonne, or ouercome
- expulse
- driue out, or thrust out
- exquisite
- perfect, fine, singuler, curious
- extant
- appearing, abroad, shewing it selfe
- extasie (ecstasy)
- a traunce, or sowning
- extemporall (extemporally), extempore, extemporarie (extemporary)
- suddaine, without premeditation, or studie
- extende (extend)
- spread foorth, prolong, or make longer, to inlarge
- extenuate
- lessen, minish, or make lesse
- externall (external)
- outward, strange
- extinguish
- put out, or quench
- extinct
- put out
- extirpate
- to pull vp by the rootes
- extoll
- aduaunce, or praise highly, to lift vp
- extort
- to wring out, to wrest from by violence
- extract
- drawne out
- extrauagant [extravagant]
- wandring out of order
- exulcerate
- to make sore, to corrupt
See Also
Main Entry,