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Aviation - Aviation acronyms Chatroom - Chatroom abbreviations Computers - Computer Acronyms Diablo 2 - Diablo 2 Terms and Abbreviations Drugs - Single letter drug abbreviations Ecclesiastical - Ecclesiastical Abbreviations IPA/ASCII - IPA/ASCII feature abbreviations Latin -- latin abbreviations Math -- Common mathematical abbreviations Military, US - Acronyms and Abbreviations of the U.S. Military National Security Agency - Frequently Used Acronyms Personal Adds - Abbreviations used in Personal Ads Political Parties -- The Short Abbreviations of United States Political Parties Quake -- Quake abbreviations (Acronyms). Sherlock Holmes -- Sherlock Holmes Story Name Abbreviations States -- United States State Abbreviations Terrorist Organizations - Terrorist acronyms University Degrees - Abbreviations of University Degrees Veterinarian Medicine -- Abbreviations Commonly Used by Veterinarians (Acronyms).
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