Enough with the
minimal film reviews, people!
I was (un)lucky enough to see this
film some
years ago. For the
benefit of those who have been
unlucky enough to not see it yet, I will give a brief
description of the
plot and major events. Note that the following text may contain
spoilers; while
IMHO it would be difficult to make the
movie any
worse, you might not want to
read on if you want the (bestial) plot to be a
Spoilers follow...
Are you SURE you wish to read this?
OK, here goes....
I saw the movie some years ago, so my
recollections may be somewhat
damaged... if so, sorry!
The plot centers around a
doctor and this chick that he has a major, if sick,
crush upon - most of the film features just these two people, although the good doctor's erstwhile
girlfriend does show up at one point. (They
make out with the
truncated Helena watching
voyeuristically, he fantasises that his girlfriend is Helena, he
cums in his pants and sends her away in embarassment. Silly man.) The girl that he has a crush on has some sort of
accident near him, and he is first on the scene to treat her injuries. He takes her back to his house, and
amputates her leg because it isn't worth saving - then keeps her a
prisoner in his home, albeit one that is
waited upon hand and foot, while he tries to
convince her to have
sex with him. As the film wears on, he amputates all of her
limbs, and eventually
brainwashes her into 'loving' him, whereupon the girl's
husband or
boyfriend or
pimp or something bursts in, discovers what has happened and knocks over a
vase which breaks on the doctor's head, knocking him out. When he wakes up, he goes to the
hospital where she is, to find out how she is... only to find that she has all her limbs... he dreamed the whole thing while
unconscious after the
accident. Apart from being a really
lame ending, isn't such a
plot device (...and then I woke up, and realised it was all
just a dream) supposed to be one of the
hallmarks of bad writing?
Watching this stinker led me to the
conclusion that it is a
kinky porno film thinly disguised as an arty flick, succeeding not in either capacity - too little
pr0n for
porno, and too
crappy for an
art flick.
Take my advice and
avoid it like
the plague!