Also means credit, praise, or acknowledgement. To give someone dap is to credit them for an achievement or sometimes simply a slapping of the hands. AKA giving a pound.

Download Accelerator Plus - A free aplication available at The download accelerator opperates on similar principles to the Morpheus file sharing application's download style. When one makes a request for a download, generally a fairly sizeable one (2 megs+), the download proceeds as one normally would, but instead of ONE request, the DAP puts up to 7 requests for the same file. Each request pulls a different part of the file you desire from the source, thus enabling you to multiply your download speed by as much as 7 fold.

While good in principle, this app is generally useful only to those with broad band capability. A 56k user will appreciate the "download resume" feature, which is nice if something cancels or one gets knocked offline, but they will not enjoy the nice speed boost as they already have a low bandwidth cap. Cable, DSL, and T1/3 users, however, can enjoy the IMMENSE benefits of the DAP. I downloaded Slackware's Linux ISO in 18 hours, and it would normally have taken 3 days. All around, it's a great product, just not for those of the weak of band :)
DAP can also can stand for Digital Archive Project. A DAP of this sort is where a group of dedicated people take on the daunting task of transferring all episodes of a certain show to a digital format on computers, with an important restriction: episodes which are available for purchase somewhere are excluded. (This restriction is for legal and ethical reasons; they are not a bunch of pirates.) Standards are the name of the game; consequently, the digital versions are very high quality.

The first DAP to ever be attempted, the one with which this time consuming ordeal started, is the one for Mystery Science Theater 3000. So far, they've managed to digitize about 93% of all (commercially unreleased) MST3K episodes. Each of these digital episodes are around 700 MB, but never more; they will fit on a 80 minute CD-R this way.

Update: As Zorak indicates, many, many more shows have been subjected to the process of DAPing now. They have archived shows I've never even heard of! (Of course, I could just be an uncultured, illiterate buffoon or something.) More are being added all the time! Well, sort of. The best way to see what's going on is to go check the site.

eDonkey2000 is the most viable method for obtaining releases. For various reasons, one needs to hop on IRC at and join #dapcentral to find out the IP and port of the eDonkey server.

All in all, if you like quality programming and have a fat pipe, there's no better use for your bandwidth.

More info about the whole lovely mess of DAPs can be found at

Kudos to all the nice folks who spend their valuable time and cycles encoding episodes.

The dap is a ritualistic greeting between two persons that involves a sequence of touching, gripping and bumping of hands with the other person.

This custom developed among black Americans, most likely as an elaboration of the sliding handshake ('slip me some skin, brother', 'slip me five', 'give me five,' and later the 'high five', etc.), which originated as a show of appreciation or mutual recognition and understanding among black jazz and swing musicians of earlier decades.

In the 60's, the dap became an exclusive display of black identity, pride, solidarity and brotherhood, particularly among young black soldiers serving in Vietnam. In that era, the sequence became extended and elaborate, sometimes taking dozens of seconds to complete. A dap would be initiated by one man raising a fist. The other man would hold out a fist for the first man to hit in a light downward pounding motion. Then the roles reversed and the action repeated. After the initial fist pounding, the dap could branch off into a variety of hand clasps, slides, locking of thumbs, sideways tapping and other motions that were always executed symmetrically and with a smooth grace. Groups developed signature daps. One Viet Nam vet mentions an abbreviated 'Ti-ti dap' (ti-ti means small in Vietnamese) for close friends and a 'rabbit dap' for white guys that had their shit together.

The origin of the term is not clear, but the Internet offers some speculation. One is a possible back-formation of the acronym for Dignity and Pride. Another is similarity to the Vietnamese word for 'beautiful', supposedly because the Vietnamese who witnessed the dap were impressed by the display.

The dap did not disappear in the decades after the Viet Nam war, but it had faded from popular black culture enough to reflect a generation gap a decade or two later. One Viet Nam war veteran related in the 80's, "My teen kids have adopted rather elaborate's happenin Dad! They however, refuse to believe that it's been done before, and much more elaborately."

Now, nearly half a century later, the dap is alive and well in our youth culture and street culture. The best way to get it is to watch people do it:

Jane and the pygmy (sadly, this image seems to have disappeared from the Web. It is a scene from the 1936 film of Tarzan Escapes in which Jane greets a pygmy man with a fist bump.)
In schools
'On the street'
NBA style

See also: fist bump and pound hug.

A sidenote on the ephemeral Web and fading history:

When I first wrote this, some years ago, there was much more info available on the Web, especially in informal 'blog' type relations of the personal experiences of Vietnam war vets, all of which Google seems unable to find now, so I was unable to expand on or update the topic, and some of the original links are now dead-ends.

Dap (?), v. i. [Cf. Dip.] Angling

To drop the bait gently on the surface of the water.

To catch a club by dapping with a grasshoper. Walton.


© Webster 1913.

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