"I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest The greatest, the greatest alive The greatest, the greatest alive…I got stamina" —sia "The Greatest" Oh-oh, I got stamina Thursday morning it turns out, I had a stroke.When the hospital had run their tests, including head &neck MRI they told me ti was "significant", meaning it had visible external affect on cognitive and physical ability. So for two days I was under observation in hospital, which consisted of being prodded, poked and bled, while they ensured I wasn't going to drop dad any moment. I now have a number of meds I need to take to thin my blood, reduce blood pressure, prevent further clots and keep me going and alive. It tuns out I'd also had a heart attack, which I'd not been aware of. It's been rather worrying, knowing that I'm officially both old and at risk. Two days later I finally got home and could take a shower, and get all the sticky cardiac sensor patches off me (which removed a lot of body hair and used a lot of patience.still, I got stamina and survived.
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