A region in (southish-) eastern
England, made up of the counties
Norfolk and
Suffolk. People living in a good bit of
Cambridgeshire and
Lincolnshire, especially the fen lands around
The Wash, also consider themselves as living in East Anglia.
The domain of the "East
Angles", was one of the seven
kingdoms of the
Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy.
- Wuffa (571-578) may be the title of the first known king of the Wuffings, rather than his actual name; Bede does not tell us.
- Tytila or "Tyttla" (578-593)
- Raedwald (593-62?) became bretwalda in 617 when he killed Aethelfrith of Northumbria, and according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, conquered "all England save Kent". He is the most likely candidate for the ship burial at Sutton Hoo. The date of his death is given variously as 620, 623, 625, or 627.
- Eorpwald (62?-628) was convinced to convert to Christianity by Edwin of Northumbria, and was assassinated for it.
- According to Bede, "The province was in error for three years", presumably under the control of Eorpwald's slayer, one Ricbert.
- Sigebehrt (631-634) apparently spent some time in exile in France, and instituted Christianity upon his return.
- Ecgric (634-635)
- Anna (635-654)
- Aethelhere (654-655) was killed along with Penda of Mercia at the Battle of Winwaed Field.
- Aethelwald (655-664)
- Aethelbirga (664)
- Aldwulf (663-713)
- Alfwold (713-749)
- Aethelbert (749-794) was executed by Offa of Mercia in 794, for supposedly making improper advances to Offa's queen Cynethryth.
- (M) Offa (794-796)
- Eadwald 796 proclaimed himself king when Offa was killed fighting the Welsh, but was suppressed by Offa's son
- (M) Ecgfrith (796)
- (M) Coenwulf (796-821)
- (M) Coelwulf (821-823)
- (M) Beornwulf (823-825) was defeated by king Egbert of Wessex at the Battle of Ellandune; Mercia lost so much power and territory that the East Anglians were able to kill him and set up
- Aethelstan (825?-837), who got Egbert to assist him in securing his kingdom.
- Aethelweard (837-850)
- St. Edmund (855-869) "The Martyr" became target practice for Ivarr the Boneless's archers.
- Oswald (870-876) (Anglian sub-king under Ivarr's brother Halfdan)
- Aethelred (876-879) (Anglian sub-king)
- Guthrum (879-890) was the leader of the Danes who made the famous 878 treaty with Alfred the Great of Wessex. According to the treaty Guthrum was to accept baptism, with Alfred as his godfather; and Alfred acknowledged Guthrum king of East Anglia. On his baptism, Guthrum took the name Aethelstan. In 884, Alfred sent ships to raid Guthrum's coastline. The two patched things up again in 886 with a treaty that defined the Danelaw.
- Eric (890-902) allied himself with Aethelwald, the cousin of Edward the Elder, and raided into Wessex. Edward countered with his own invasion of East Anglia, killing both Eric and Aethelwald at the Battle of Holme.
- Guthrum II (902-917(?918)) is said to have been killed at the Battle of Tempsford by Edward the Elder of Wessex. Others say he never existed.
With Edward the Elder, East Anglia became part of the kingdom of Wessex.
Before long, Wessex was England.
The rulers of East Anglia continue in the node for Wessex and later
in the node for Rulers of England.