It is a curious detail that a side effect of raw food diets is the change in eye colour. It has been reported along with claims that their eyes become ‘clearer’, and that their vision actually improves somewhat. This is purportedly due to the internal cleansing effect of a raw food diet, improving circulation. It usually takes several months for the colour change to become prevalent, yet only a mere few weeks for the improvement in clarity of vision.

This consequence is mentioned pithily in Viktoras Kulvinskasbook of letters “Life in the 21st Century”. In the iridology section it cites that “as the body regenerates. The iris changes in colour value… With healing, the natural colour will return. The whole iris may become lighter in colour.”

Some people's eye colours may be ‘set’ by genetics , and in those people the eyes become clearer, but the colour quality might not change. The Ayurvedic view of eye colour is that your eyes are the colour that you have in "excess" (namely, in the astral or spiritual body). That view supports the idea that changes in eye colour may be possible due to the deep cleansing provided by a raw food diet.

More interestingly, there are cases of Multiple Personality Syndrome in which a person's eye colour changes according to which personality is occupant at the time! There have also been fairly recent newspaper reports about a drug approved by the FDA that has the “side-effect” of changing your eye colour. So, there is considerable evidence to support the idea that eye colour can change.

Further evidence for the idea that eye colour can change in presented in the book, "Aghora: At the Left Hand of God", which presents a description of the life and principles of a Tantric expert, named Vimalananda. In the introduction, Svoboda speaks of Vimalananda:

"He certainly was not confined by the restrictions which confine most mortals. His eyes, for example, refused to remain the same colour at all times. Sometimes they were a light blue, often they were light green, the colour of a grape known as anab-e-shahi. At some moments they could become nearly colourless....At other times when he was feeling playful he would adjust his eye colour to match mine and would then call everyone in the room over to see and comment..."

Obligatory disclaimer, due to numerous (and sometimes heated) complaints: I am not claiming absolute authority over this topic. I am simply re-stating some of the ideas i have read in several health oriented books which names elude me.

There is potentially a connection between diet and eye-color. Certainly, humans are genetically predisposed to one eye color or another, but many people experience subtle or overt changes in the colors of the iris.

This phenomenon occurs most frequently in children. About 43% of children go through at least one change in eye color, between the ages of 3 months and 6 years. Usually, this change is a shade or two lighter or darker, but sometimes the color changes drastically, from brown to blue, for example.

According to the Archives of Opthalmology, 10-15% of adolescents and adults undergo spontaneous changes in eye color at least once.

The theory is that eye color is directly affected by the production of melanocytes, various chemicals that form melanin, a pigment of the human body.

Diet can affect nearly every chemical reaction in a body, from protein synthesis to neurochemical activity. Science itself suggests that certain chemicals may have a direct effect on eye color; Xalatan, a medication to treat glaucoma, is known to cause the iris to darken. I myself have noticed a distinct change in my own eye color while on the prescription antidepressant Paxil; over the space of a month, my normally dark brown eyes lightened a number of shades, becoming a brown-flecked gold color.

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