lose one's life succumb expire perish decease pass away (or over) pass depart this life depart be taken meet one's death meet one's end meet one's fate be no more cease to be cease to live be gone stop breathing breathe one's last give up the ghost curl up and die drop off close one's eyes fall asleep predecease become extinct come (or turn) to dust decompose lie in the grave sleep one's last sleep turn up one's toes push up daisies be six feet under ring down the curtain shuffle off this mortal coil pay the debt of nature go the way of all flesh go to one's reward go to one's last home go west go to the last roundup go to one's long account cash in one's chips have had one's chips quit the scene quit it cross the bar cross the Styx (or Lethe or River Jordan) go up Salt River join the majority join the choir invisible join the angels meet one's Maker meet Saint Peter enter the Golden Gate go to glory reach a better world awake to life immortal kick the bucket kick it bite the dust croak peg it peg out snuff it cop it buy it buy the farm conk out go for a burton pop off pop one's clogs hop the twig go belly up take a dirt nap
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