Also the host of The Movie Channel's Drive-in Theater, aired from 1990 through 1996 (approximate), in which he used to rate movies in terms of dead bodies, bare breasts, and bizarre alien creatures or psychotic android killers or other such criteria.

He currently hosts MonsterVision on TNT.

His real name is John Bloom, and before a career in acting and television, he was an award-winning investigative reporter, who infiltrated a ring of art theives, and later exposed police killings of Mexican-Americans in south Texas.

He has starred in Casino and The Stand.

Joe Bob gets booted...

Joe Bob started writing a lot of politically incorrect shit in his movie reviews, but in April, 1985, ol' Joe Bob wrote a column ostensibly reviewing the movie "The Last Dragon" containing the lyrics to a song called We Are The Weird (maybe I'll node this some day). We Are The Weird blatantly insulted most ethnic groups in America and generally made a big joke out of the musicians' "we are the world" efforts to fight world hunger. (Sample: "There's a goat-head bakin / We're callin it their food, / If the Meskins can eat it, / They can eat it, too") That promptly got him dropped from most of the newspapers that carried his column.

Note: the um, 'review' of the movie The Last Dragon can be found at

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