I am in the hospital recovering from the beating I received at the hands of outside help (needs to be noded) hired by the cops to work me over. That way, I have no legal recourse for what happened to me. I have to suck it up because of the red tape.

The hospital is weird. I keep hearing someone screaming down the hall. It sounds like they are pulling his skin off. I can't even imagine.

One of the weird things about being in the hospital is the sex. There isn't any.

I have a broken eye socket and the eyebulb that was in there is in a glass next to my bed. They are doing surgery later. The surgeon looks like he is six. I'm telling you, this hospital is weird.

I'm on the planning committee for Autumn in Greece (No Bacon No Friends): A Noder Meet in Athens but I can't do any of the planning work for this major nodermeet while in the hospital recovering from my injuries, which are extensive.

Come visit me in the hospital. I am in room 311. Just come on in. Everyone else does. They walked in while I was masturbating earlier. It was upsetting. They were amazed at how beautiful my vagina is. Some comments were bandied about later in the day between staff out in the hallway. They talk. They do. They really, really do.

They took me by helicopter to the hospital in Presque Isle as I was out in the northern Maine woods when I was worked over in that police station. Someone needs to have a word with them about that. They shouldn't be able to hire outside help. That should be illegal. Write to a congressperson. As that they do something. My knee is a mess and so much silicone leaked out of my left breast during the beating that it is half the size of the other one, and for some reason my asshole is pulsating like a Waring blender.

Being in the hospital sucks. I did get flowers from the Everything2 Benevolent Society. That was nice.

See you on the outs, pansies.

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