New Labour: its people and its ideas
This writeup lists those people, places, words and institutions that have something to do with the UK's
Labour Party in
its 21st century incarnation as 'New Labour'.
(1) The People:
Tony Blair - Leader and current
Prime Minister
Charles Clarke - As education secretary, he pushed through unpopoluar tuition fee reforms. The loyal Blairite has since replaced Blunkett as Home Secretary.
Alan Milburn - Quit as Health Secretary and since returned, in an obscurely titled post, to head the election campaign instead, sidelining Gordon Brown. Widely tipped as future leader material, but probably a weak contender unless something amis happens to Brown.
David Blunkett -
Previously in charge of education, then an authoritarian
Home Secretary. Forced out after a nasty sex scandal, in which it was reported he used his influence to obtain a passport for his mistress's nanny. Watch out for a Mandelsonesque return to power.
Gordon Brown -
Chancellor of the Exchequer since 1997. The longest serving chancellor of the 20th Century, though still not leader. His enmity with Blair is famous, but despite threats of demotion, perhaps he is too essential, the consitently strong economy being one of Labour's great successes.
Alastair Campbell - The former tabloid hack was Tony's right hand man and master of spin, until quitting in 2003. Although his departure wasn't intended to acknowledge any wrong doing, it did come amid a backlash at the government's 'culture of spin', shortly before
Lord Hutton was due to adjudicate on the bitter feud between Campbell and the BBC over the death of MOD scientist
David Kelly.
Peter Mandelson - Close friend of Blair. On visiting a fish and chip shop in his northern Hartlepool constituency, he once enquired about the 'guacamole dip'. It was in fact mushy peas. Previously
Minister without Portfolio and
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, he left the front bench amid controversy on two occasions, only to return to politics soon after. He is now European Commissioner for Trade.
John Prescott - AKA '
Two Jags', and later, 'Two Jabs'. Deputy PM and formerly in charge of
transport, demoted in the reshuffle of 2001.
Jack Straw - Former
Home Secretary, now Secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs. Bears an uncanny resemblance to
the Demon Headmaster.
Ken Livingstone - Newly listed here having rejoined the Labour fold as a Labour
Mayor of London. Originally, Blair tried to stitch him up and prevent him from running as the Labour candidate, due to his overly leftwing credentials and opposition to
tube privatisation. He stood as an independent with overwhelming support and became mayor. Despite the massive betrayal, Tony Blair invited him back, much to the chagrin of many in Labour.
(2) The Enemies (Within) - New Labour's enemies on the left
Tony Benn - respected
socialist, recently retired backbencher, outspoken critic of the 'New' in New Labour.
Jeremy Corbyn - another leftie backbencher, attends demonstrations and criticises Blair.
Bob Kiley - Head of
Transport for London, helping Ken attack the
tube PPP.
George Monbiot - one of the few mainstream media commentators to attack New Labour from a clear left wing perspective.
Rhodri Morgan - Some call him the Welsh Ken Livingstone.
John Pilger - Attacked the government over the sale of arms to
Indonesia, amongst other things.
Arthur Scargill - Defected from the Labour party a few years ago, now leads the Socialist Labour Party
Mark Thomas - billed a comedian, his TV show
The Mark Thomas Product is more like investigative journalism than comedy
Rory Bremner - comedian and impressionist who attacks politicians in general (so I think worthy of inclusion into the list).
Mo Mowlam - one of the most popular New Labourites, newly moved into the dissenters' category after retiring from politics and bitching about her former colleagues.
Robin Cook - Another new entry here. Demoted in 2001 from
Foreign Secretary to leader of the
House of Commons, he resigned from this post in 2003 in opposition to the Iraq war.
Claire Short - Resigned at the same time as Robin Cook, for the same reason, but no one liked her as much for it.
(3) Tony's Cronies - Supporters and well-wishers outside the party
Bernie Ecclestone - Formula 1 guy, donated £1 Million and recieved an exemption from the ban on sports tobacco sponsorship.
Eventually the party was embarassed into giving the money back.
The Hinduja Brothers. - Yep, they've been at the £1 Million gifts again, this time its passports they're giving away for cash.
Derek Draper Lobbyist friend, involved in the cash-for-access affair.
Geoffrey Robinson
(4) the Buzz-words
Sleaze - more a
Tory concept, but as alive as it ever was
The Liberal Elite - AKA Guardian reading ponces
'Bogus Asylum Seeker' - Between them, the Tories and New Labour managed to badly demonise refugees.
Boom and Bust - The age old cycle of boom and dramatic economic downturn will apparently be avoided in future.
soundbite - Said Tony Blair regarding the
Good Friday Agreement:
"This is not a time for soundbites. I feel the hand of history
on my shoulder".
The New Deal - Scheme for getting (forcing) young people into work.
Open Government
Prawn Cocktail Party - New Labour's style of politics
The Third Way - Not too
Socialist, not too
neo-liberalist, but just right.
Rights and Responsibilities - Victorian sounding mumbo jumbo from the likes of Jack Straw
Public Private Partnership - Instead if privatisation. More cost to the government for worse public serices, but businesses benefit
Education, Education, Education - TB's alleged top three priorities
Backbone, not backdown - another soundbyte
stakeholder - we all play a role in the economy
Ethical Foreign Policy - now officially dropped in favour of the inethical one.
Modernisation - Read: Privatisation
Beacon - of schools, etc.
tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime
Equality of opportunity, not of outcome
focus groups - part of the spin strategy
I would be glad to recieve suggestions for further additions.