NightShadow passed away from stage 4 stomach cancer on October 31, 2018, The following are his words
I was enlisted in the U.S. Army for 10 years, from 2008 to 2018. My MOS was MOS 25B, Information Technologies Specialist.
I'm married with two kids. I love my family and they are the reason I chose to enlist in the Army at the late, great age of 34.
I have a very strong belief. My belief rests in a particular Individual Whom I never got the chance to meet because He died long, long before I was born. His Cause was the catalyst for my conception and subsequent birth, therefore I owe Him my life. It's a long story, full of twists and turns, like a warped soap opera, but that's the bottom line.
His name is Baha'u'llah, and I believe that He is, for lack of a better phrase, the Return of Christ. No, I do not mean Jesus; yes, I do mean Christ- the motivating Spirit of all God's Messengers. Baha'u'llah is the Messenger for this Day and Age. At least, that's what I believe. I also believe He brought with Him some new teachings, laws and ideas. I don't always follow them perfectly, because I'm an imperfect human being, but I believe in them- and Him.
And if you don't agree with me, it's all good. We swallow the pill that goes down easiest.
But if you ever want to know, precisely, what I believe in... well, check it out. You can start here.
Or here:
Thursday, December 27, 2001 : 5:10 AM
EDB has swallowed Webster 1913. *GULP*
sighmoan Shoobydoowah.
NightShadow is now convinced that the EDB DOES have a literary appetite after all- he just swallowed a dictionary.
Gritchka On the other hand, points for stage directions.
EDB Me replete with nutriment.
NightShadow Thanks, EDB, for the laugh of the day. =D
sighmoan Is that good for your vowels, EDB?
I live in Clarksville, Tennessee.
I was introduced to E2 by aphexious and I shall forever curse her for it- I'm addicted. (thanks, however, are in order)
I am a Baha'i, for those of you who might find that interesting. Mind you, I never said I was a good Baha'i.
I was a soldier in the U.S. Army.
I am not into politics. I despise and distrust all politicians equally. Especially the ones who claim to be our "leaders."
I don't argue, but I love a level-headed debate.
I don't mind admitting that I'm wrong about something as long as it can be readily proven with facts.
I never lie- even to my own detriment.
I believe in God, but my faith in humanity is tested daily.
I have dated two women who are on E2- and slept (I mean it, we JUST! SLEPT! mostly. well, kinda) with three. (no names, to protect the innocent)
Most noders rock; a precious few are occasional idiots (myself included).
I can degrade myself better than you can.
I am an empath and don't hide it. When I look at you, beware.
I can see the future sometimes. I'll tell you about it later.
SPAM is the devil's work.
Honesty, integrity, dignity, justice, love, faith, patience, trust, kindness, wisdom, insightfulness. Maybe a smidgen of fear, too, but I try not to show it.
I'm male and sensitive and proud of it.
Don't /MSG me unless it's somewhat important, you need advice on something important or you need to hear kind words. I don't do the mutual mental masturbation thing.
Sex is overrated (but damn is it fun!).
All your 10 Base-T are belong to us.